Author: Bronwen Armor

At Good With Words we relish every brief and the more unusual and challenging the subject matter, the better.

Currently our wordsmithery is being used to help sell NASA technology-inspired reclining sofas, £9million oceanside homes, world-leading hearing protection and ever so stylish high-performance range cookers.

Far beyond research and an appreciation of grammar, what makes a good copywriter? Why not chuck a few keywords into ChatGPT and get the job done?

How Breakthroughs Happen

Not so fast easy content junkies.

AI is a tool, excellent for synthesising what exists already. But as the screenwriter David Simon pointed out in a recent interview: “I don’t think AI can remotely challenge what writers do at a fundamentally creative level.”

Think of it as developing a power drill and then setting it down, expecting it to design and build furniture.

If brands are to create engagement and differentiation in the marketplace, it takes creativity. And these breakthroughs are rooted in good old-fashioned conversation.

Sitting in a room in front of a client (yes that still happens) online, or even taking time for a humble phone call remains the most effective way to dive deep into challenges and opportunities. It lays the foundations to create something people will respond to.

We’ve decades of experience of crafting copy and take great pride in creating campaigns that hit the mark for each and every one of our clients.

As the old saying goes, “it’s good to talk.” More than good, at a very human level, there is simply no substitute.